Ringling Museum
I think one of the true treasures of the suncoast is the Ringling Museum. While I at the museum in June, I noticed that they are redoing the old pool! I'm excited to see how that turns out. Looks likes it'll evolve into a reflecting pool.
If you get a change to go, especially if you haven't been in a while, please do. The grounds are lovely, they have an amazing rose garden and some of the biggest banyan trees I've ever seen. A few years back they redid all the pathways inside the courtyard, too.
As a kid, the big thing was they would have the renaissance fare on the grounds, complete with human chess behind the musuem. (I couldn't find a photo of that, does anyone have one?)
If you saw my last blog post, you saw that the hubs and I brought all our friends to the area for our wedding, what I didn't post was that we had out wedding at the museum.
Like having the beach to yourself, having the musuem just to you and your friends is epic. We had the galleries open so our friends could stroll around and take it all in. Also, fun fact when you rent the C'd da Zan, you get to go up to the game room and roof!
The Ringling is a local gem, for sure.